My Life

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Joe Charter Biography:

Born in Lake Zurich, IL , Joe Charter started his life with music in his blood.  Coming from a long line of musicians, at the age of three, Joe began playing instruments with his older brothers, first drums and soon after, guitar.

Charter focused his talent in the soft rock and pop genres, and in 1990, Charter founded his record company, Joe Charter Records (, where he produced over 200 tracks and published over a third of them on platforms Pandora, iTunes, and Spotify.

In 1998, Joe moved to Music City (Nashville, TN) where he continued writing and producing his original music.  There he trained under one of the most sought-after vocal coaches in TN, Renee Grant Williams, whose clients include Miley Cyrus, Keith Urban and Carrie Underwood. Charter produced several albums while in Nashville and created connections with many songwriters.

In addition to garnering awards for his songwriting, in 2004 Charter was chosen to headline a three day event in Pigeon Forge, TN by the International Delorean Car Show, showcasing his original song “Delorean”.

Now relocated in Iowa, Charter founded Woodwind Media Group ( in 2015, a company specializing in music and video production for artists and small businesses.  Commercials, photography, social media promotion, and podcasts are just some of the services Woodwind Media provides clients.

Piggybacking on the success of Woodwind Media, Charter founded INFOWIND News (, a LIVE Broadcasting company built for social media with content ranging from current events to interviews with book authors and musicians.  INFOWIND gained a monthly audience of 250,000 views on content per month.

Purple theater LIVE is a platform for creative art , a simple yet innovative “idea” based on original art of any form. PTL intertwines talent into a wide varied spectrum audience.

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