Another Place By Joe Charter Music New Special Preview #NewMusic

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Thank you for sharing this music out with your friends and family and at the very least to your favorite social media profile/wall. My music is fully funded by sales/downloads and donations or to learn more go to Look for the new record release “Sensations” on Itunes or anywhere music is sold. Another Place is a step forward into my prime revealing the new genre I am progressing into. I call it “Techno-pop” Look for this release to be on PANDORA 2021 Find all my music by googling key words “Joe Charter Music” Purchase Downloads to support me. If you want to support my quest to make a top 10 hit before I die please do so, find the donation paypal link here. Paypal Support For Joe Charter All donations will be rewarded with free mp3’s download sent directly to you. Please pray for me, my music and for your neighbors. Be thankful for the things in your life , and make them positives.